
Cretex Pro-Ring™
A tough and durable alternative to traditional construction methods, the Cretex Pro-Ring™ Manhole Grade Adjustment System exceeds AASHTO M306 HS-25 load testing.

EncapsulAC®‘s vibrant blue Coagula-Tracer Fluid encapsulates AC pipe fragments and colourises the fragments and adjacent soil allowing safe identification and traceability during future excavations

Manhole Lid Gasket
Stop leaks at the sewer lid with Manhole Lid Gasket kits. Manhole lid gasket kits are a convenient, easy and cheap way that field crews can create a good seal for manhole lids while continuing on without interruption to their normal daily work or needing to plan special projects.

Flex Seal 2.0®
Conforming to any shape, Flex Seal is a permanent method of sealing the riser rings/lid surround and joint sections inside a manhole or catch basin with a state of the art urethane that achieves over 800% elongation.

Manhole Inserts
A strong & durable HDPE insert that sits below the MH lid and stops inflow through the lid.

Gator Wrap
An EPDM rubber wrap with Butyl mastic adhesive (500% elongation) that easily wraps around the outside of any precast concrete sewer manhole joint, pump station joint, pipe joints, culverts and catch basins to provide a water tight seal & root barrier each joint.

HydraTite® Internal Joint Seal
HydraTite® Internal Joint Seal systems are a mechanical, trenchless remediation method for the repair of pipe joints from 460mm up to 5540mm.

Infi-Shield UniBand
A one piece molded high quality seal with non hardening butyl mastic to provide a flexible water tight seal around the top sections and riser rings of sewer manholes.

Metz 33EN-Sprayable Epoxy Novolac
Manufactured in Australia, Metz 33EN Sprayable Epoxy Novolac is a corrosion resistant, 100% solids, solvent free, high quality coating designed to prevent concrete corrosion for maintenance holes, pump stations, inlet works and other sewer assets experiencing aggressive hydrogen sulphide corrosion.

B-Tech Connections™
Awarded the NASTT 2022 Abbott Innovative Product & Services Award, B-Tech Connections™ are an innovative Pullable Mechanical Connection for HDPE pipe, providing a quick, simple, high strength pipe-to-pipe mechanical connection.

LSS MH Chimney Seal
LSS Internal Chimney Seal is a lightweight internal rubber sleeve designed to stop inflow under the MH frame. Quick and easy to install, these seals suit a variety of diameters from 610mm to 914mm and chimney heights of up to 457mm.

Chimney Patch & Repair
A fibre reinforced, fast setting, high early strength product for filling voids and repairing concrete or brick structures.

Aqua Seal
A highly reactive two component urethane grout that will stop a 50gpm (190 litre per minute) leak in 3-5 seconds.

Cretex Internal Joint Seal
Cretex Internal Joint Seals are a permanent trenchless mechanical compressions seal for stopping leaks in maintenance holes and shafts with up to 4.2m of external hydrostatic pressure.